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Low Maintenance Pets: Pets that are easy to take care of

Birds, Other, Reptiles

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Low Maintenance Pets are every parent’s dream. Your time is limited, so we compiled a list for you of the five pets that are easiest to take care of. A pet can bring joy and extreme fun into any household, although the level of care a pet needs differs with the different types of animals. As fun and cute as pets are, some require more from their humans while others are happily left to their own devices as long as they have a suitable home and something to munch on. There’s a pet out there for you whether you are a person who lives a busy lifestyle but still wants the companionship of a pet or you have time on your hands and would like for your kids to grow up with a pet. This list consists of five pets that are easiest to take care of. 



These cold-blooded reptiles may not be to everyone’s liking, but they sure are low maintenance pets, especially Corn Snakes and Milk Snakes. Snakes require very little to fulfill their needs. They need just one good meal a week and eat a diet of worms, crickets, frozen mice, or rats (all of which can be purchased frozen in any good pet store). Once they have access to fresh water, a heat source, and somewhere to hide within their tank, they are happy not to see you until their next meal. 

So what makes snakes so easy to care for? One major factor that earns them the reputation of being easy to care for is their infrequent eating habits. 

Need to be away from home for a week? No need to get a pet sitter! Feed your snake a slightly bigger meal portion with fresh water and they will be perfectly fine until you return home. As they eat little and do not require treats, the cost of feeding compared to other pets is extremely low too.

These slithery creatures do not need regular exercise, so no walks in the rain or muddy paw prints on your couch when you get home!

No grooming is required for your pet snake as they usually shed their scales monthly and have little to no odor.


These cute rodents have become popular mostly due to their small size. If you’re looking for pets that are easy to take care of once they have a suitable home and are cute at the same time, definitely take a look at hamsters. To keep these furry little ones satisfied, ensure they have a space that includes a food bowl, water bottle, and of course a hamster wheel! Their diet mainly consists of pelleted food and leafy greens fed once daily. The Syrian hamster is recognized as one of the easiest hamster breeds to take care of. 

One reason hamsters are easy to care for is they are clean animals and good housekeepers. They usually use one corner of the cage as their bathroom, meaning the rest of the area is relatively clean which makes the cleaning process easier compared to cleaning up after other pets.

Not only are hamsters clean animals, but they also groom themselves and do not shed, meaning there’s no need for a costly trip to the groomers and there won’t be tons of hairballs all around your house! They regularly clean themselves and have good hygiene meaning less work for you.

Hamsters enjoy cardio workouts so put a wheel in their cage and they won’t need any personal training from you. Easy peasy right?!

Hamsters enjoy quality time with their owners, but if provided with enough space and fun toys, they are happy to be self-contained. They don’t need the level of human interaction that other pets do, like dogs. However, hamster owners should be aware that you should socialize your hamster in its early life to avoid it being hesitant when handled.


The humble goldfish has been the first pet of many children throughout the years, as they are one of the easier pets to care for, requiring very little. Once they have food and a clean tank, they are content. Goldfish eat almost everything – vegetables, algae, and even meat! A goldfish’s diet consists of a variety of protein and fiber, fed once or twice a day.

To make taking care of a goldfish even easier it is recommended to splurge on a filtered tank which will save you the chore of changing the water every few days, ensuring their tank is free of ammonia.  

These freshwater fish require very little once they have food and their tank is clean – no grooming, no attention, or even handling. That makes them one of the easiest pets to care for!

Leopard Geckos

These spotted geckos are considered one of the easier reptiles to care for – as their needs consist of an appropriate home and nourishment. Their vivarium must be set up correctly and be thermogradient with one cool side and a heated area. Geckos actually use their environment to regulate their body temperature. You must provide them with some hiding places with rocks and debris to mimic their natural habitat while feeding them a diet of live insects every couple of days.

These unique reptiles are easy to care for compared to other pets like dogs or cats, as they don’t require much social interaction or attention. They tend to be solitary creatures who are quite happy to be left alone and not handled too much, although they are docile animals if you choose to interact with them.

Similar to the other pets mentioned in this list, leopard geckos do not require any grooming so they’re really easy to take care of. They shed their skin which can be easily cleaned from the tank by their owner.

A leopard gecko eats every couple of days – another reason they are easy to care for as they don’t have an intensive feeding schedule. If you have to spend a night or two away from your gecko, there is no need to worry as it will be fine until you return home.


Finches and other small birds are some of the easiest bird breeds to care for compared to other exotic types. These beautiful birds need a spacious cage with perches, toys, a bath, and accessories to live contently. They consume a pellet-based diet that can be put into their bowl for them to eat throughout the day or fed separately twice a day. 

What makes these birds easy to care for is as long as they have an appropriate cage set-up that is kept clean and they are provided plenty of food and water, they are happy!

Yet another reason why small birds are easy pets to take care of relates to the lack of social interaction they crave from humans. These birds are hands-off pets who instead thrive within pairs or groups with other finches. 

What is the easiest beginner pet?

That really depends on your family and your lifestyle. If you’re frequently gone for a week at a time, a snake might be your best option. If you are rarely gone overnight and you have kids that will want to play with the pet, a hamster might be better for your family. We’ve given you five of the easiest pets to care for with snakes, hamsters, goldfish, leopard geckos, and birds all making the list. These pets don’t necessarily require significant amounts of physical attention and care from their owner, but they do have unique needs that have to be fulfilled for them to live happy healthy lives. Regardless of which pet you choose to bring into your life, I cannot overstate the importance of researching in advance to make sure you are able to provide the best life possible.

