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Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?


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Can dogs eat pineapple? Pineapple is a delicious treat many of us humans enjoy but what about our furry friends? When is it dangerous? After all, not all human foods are suitable for doggie digestive systems.

We’re going to explore what pineapple is and if it’s safe for dogs to eat. We’ll also look at some tips and warnings and we’ll give you specific instructions on how to feed your dog pineapple if you decide to give it a try. Trust me, their taste buds will thank you for reading this and acting on it!

What is pineapple? Can dogs eat pineapple safely? 

Pineapple is a tropical fruit, high in fiber and rich in vitamins like Vitamin C and B6 while consisting of 85% water. Not only are pineapples vitamin-rich, but they also are full of minerals like iron and magnesium. So is it safe for dogs to consume? The answer is YES!. Pineapple in small quantities can be a delicious and safe snack for your pooch. Minerals and vitamins within pineapple contribute to a balanced diet for dogs while strengthening their immune system. The vitamin C content in pineapples helps to contribute to healthy skin and tissue while manganese is an important part of enzymes and also related to healthy bones and cartilage. The fiber within pineapples can aid your dog’s digestion too.

Pineapple tips & warnings  

It should only be served as a snack and not a staple in your dogs’ diet as pineapple contains high levels of sugar (10%) and dog’s digestive systems are not designed to digest much sugar. Avoid using canned pineapple as it has an added sugar content due to the syrup preservative used. If your dog has any health issues like diabetes or obesity, it’s recommended not to feed them pineapple due to the high sugar content. 

When introducing pineapple into your dog’s diet, begin by feeding a small amount of pineapple juice or a small chunk of raw pineapple. Watch your dog closely for an hour to see how they react. Gastrointestinal issues are common when dogs try something new, but if this does happen, it’s recommended you stop and consult your vet. 

What parts of the pineapple do you feed your dog? 

If you choose to feed your dog pineapple as a snack, do not feed them the exterior spiky skin or core as they are too tough and present a potential choking hazard for your dog. Instead, feed your dog the softer parts of the pineapple, cut into small bite sizes. Smaller serving sizes also mean easier portion control and lessen the chance of choking. 

If you decide to introduce pineapple chunks into your dog’s diet, please be sure you prepare it correctly.

How to perfectly prepare pineapple as a doggie treat:

  1. Place the pineapple horizontally.
  2. Cut the top and bottom off of the pineapple.
  3. Place the pineapple vertically.
  4. Remove the sides of the pineapple up to a 1cm depth.
  5. Place the pineapple horizontally again.
  6. Cut the pineapple into as many small slices as possible.
  7. Remove the core from each slice.
  8. Cut the remaining pineapple slices into small pieces .

Possible Side Effects of Feeding Your Dog Pineapple

If your dog consumes too much pineapple and not enough water, they may experience constipation due to the high fiber content. Fiber needs a lot of water present to be broken down and digested properly. If you notice changes like this, consult your vet.

Too much pineapple in your dog’s diet can also lead to tooth decay and obesity. To overcome this, ensure good portion control and small servings. A treat like pineapple should not exceed more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. For reference purposes, this equals 8 chunks for a dog that weighs 30-pound.

How to safely include pineapple in your dog’s diet

You can introduce pineapple into your dog’s diet in a variety of ways. On a hot summer’s day, freeze chunks of pineapple as that can be a refreshing treat for your dog. Pureed pineapple frozen in ice cubes is also another option for hot days to cool your furry pal down. You can serve them raw pineapple too and if your dog seems a little unsure of it, it can accompany their usual treats 

Pineapple can be mixed with yogurt to make a healthy fruit salad for your dog to enjoy. Again watch out for the 10% rule and portion size!

Pineapple myth

You may have heard of a myth that pineapple has a magic cure and can stop dogs from eating their excrement, ok fine let’s call it what it is, poop! It’s said that pineapple alters the taste of their poop and makes it unappetizing and discourages them from eating it. Unfortunately, this tale has no scientific evidence to support it, therefore it’s a myth. 

So yes, dogs can indeed eat pineapple! Pineapple is a delicious and healthy treat for your canine companion, jam-packed with vitamins and minerals. Despite this, it can present health ailments like obesity and tooth decay if eaten too often due to its high sugar content. To combat this, it’s recommended to feed your dog small portion-controlled chunks on occasions as a treat.


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